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Welcome to the World Of PURAK


Water purity is an absolute value to life and should be available to everyone. Born after years of extensive research and development, PURAK is now available to everyone.


PURAK, which stands for “Pura Aqua” or clean water uses a combination of special magnetic rings made with a mixture of magnetized rare earth minerals to change the structure of calcium in water.




PURAK is the first polarizer with a radial and not rectangular geometry which allows to triple the space of magnetic treatment and to minimize the distance between the magnets in order to increase the intensity of the field and induce an orientation of the molecular dipoles to change the physical configuration of the water.

Thanks to its innovative technology, PURAK, completely eliminates limestones from sticking to appliances, without the addition of chemicals, acid,  salt, softener in your water, while retaining some calcium to be consumed.


Together with its inventor,  Italian Vincenzo Ruggero and AMS, Italy, BONI Clearwater is bringing this technology from Europe directly to your doorstep. What makes PURAK different from all the other products, is that the PURAK magnetic device is all natural and has a lifetime guarantee. The benefits of PURAK are also multi layered and include better performance of your appliances which will be reflected in your energy longer lifetime of your appliances which will reduce your household investments, less agony cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, water heaters, etc. Less use of detergents for your laundry and   dishwasher are some other most welcome effects.


We invite you to browse through our products or application site to find the most suitable PURAK for you.  We are more than happy to speak with you should you have questions.


Cheers to a healthier, longer life!

The BONI Team


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